Police organises workshop on new criminal laws in Pulwama

PULWAMA: Police in Pulwama organized one-day workshop on New Criminal Laws to educate and inform police personnel and other stakeholders about the latest updates and changes in the criminal justice system.
The workshop started with welcome address of SSP Pulwama PD Nitya-IPS who highlighted the importance of workshop for the police officers present in order to achieve the purport of New Criminal Laws. The workshop featured esteemed guest speakers including Munsiff Pulwama Majid Farooq Mir, DDP Pulwama Aijaz Hussain, Munsiff Pampore Tauseef Ahmad Magray, PP Pulwama Najeeb Nehvi, Astt PP Awantipora Romisa Rasool and Astt PP Pulwama Hilal Ahmed.
The event was moderated by Sr. Prosecuting Officer DPO Pulwama Umer Mansoor. During the workshop, many investigating officers from various police stations participated actively, engaging in question-and-answer sessions related to the three new laws.
It is pertinent to mention here that the workshop is part of District Police Pulwama’s ongoing efforts to enhance the efficiency and knowledge of the police force, ensuring they are well-equipped to uphold the law effectively. By staying updated with legal advancements, the police force aims to contribute to better law enforcement and justice delivery in the district. Later, SSP Pulwama took feedback of all participants in her concluding remarks.

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