NC workers in Pampore pay tribute to late Gh Nabi Mir

PAMPORE: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference on Monday paid glorious tributes to their leader, the late Ghulam Nabi Mir, a resident of Frestabal Pampore, to mark his 9th death anniversary.
National Conference workers and family members of the late Ghulam Nabi Mir observed his death anniversary at his residence in Frestabal Pampore. The prayer meeting, held at his residence, saw the attendance of numerous senior workers from Pampore, Awantipora, Tral, and Kakapora. The meeting was chaired by District Youth President Pulwama Bilal Ahmad Bhat and Block President Pampore Showkat Ahmad Shah.
During the prayer meeting, workers expressed that Mir’s death had been a great loss to South Kashmir’s Pampore Constituency, as he had demonstrated high potential and a strong sense of responsibility in fulfilling his duties for the betterment of the party.
Senior National Conference leaders also paid glowing tributes to the late Ghulam Nabi Mir on his 9th death anniversary, a senior worker told Kashmir Reader.
The late Ghulam Nabi Mir had served as a senior leader and District President, Pulwama and was regarded as one of the most sincere workers in the area.
Speaking on the occasion, his son Mohammad Shafi thanked the workers who came to pay tributes and appreciated the tributes paid by the party’s top brass.
Block President NC Pampore Showkat Ahmad Shah said, “Today we commemorated the 9th death anniversary of the late Ghulam Nabi Mir. We paid tribute to him, who was a candidate from the Pampore Constituency and also served as the Block President of the National Conference for 20 years.
“Today, we all senior workers from different areas of Pampore, Awantipora and Kakapora visited the home of the late Ghulam Nabi Mir to pay our respects. Mir Sahib had shown great loyalty to the party and had served the workers with dedication. Whenever a worker had any complaints, Mir Sahib was always there to address them. That is why we observe this day,” he added.

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