Edu Dept celebrates Eid-e-Milan with students at UPS Jeewan Sahab Ladhoo

PAMPORE: The Education Department, Pampore, organized an Eid-e-Milan program at Government Upper Primary School, Gujjar Basti Jeewan Sahab Ladhoo village, in Pampore Tehsil, Pulwama district, on Saturday.
The program was organized by UPS Jeewan Sahab led by Teacher Bilal Ahmad Wani and his staff to celebrate Eid-e-Milan with students and staff members. Chief Education Officer (CEO) Pulwama, Abdul Qayoom Nadvi, was the chief guest at the event.
Various officials from the education department, including DEPO Pulwama Manzoor Ahmad Khan, ZEO Pampore Abdul Rashid Teli, and provincial President JKTF Kashmir Hamid Ullah Tramboo, attended the function.
The event was a unique celebration that aimed to share happiness with students and demonstrate the importance of unity and harmony. Students presented various cultural performances, which were enjoyed by everyone present.
CEO Pulwama, Abdul Qayoom Nadvi, commended the teachers of UPS Jeewan Sahab for their hard work and dedication towards their profession and their caring attitude towards the students. He lauded the event as a beautiful initiative that other schools should adopt to attract students towards schools.
“The bookish knowledge can sometimes cause disinterest among students, but events like this energize and entertain them, motivating them to focus on their studies,” he said.
The CEO also appreciated the event as a way to create an atmosphere of learning and togetherness in schools, which needs to be replicated in homes as per the National Education Policy 2020.
Teacher Bilal Ahmad Wani said that the aim of the event was to share happiness with students and create a memorable experience for them. He thanked CEO Pulwama, DEPO Manzoor Ahmad Khan, ZEO Pampore Abdul Rashid Teli, and cluster head incharge for participating in the program.
The event was postponed from Eidul Adha due to unfavorable weather conditions but was eventually conducted successfully.


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