Authorities crack down on illegal sand mining in Pampore, Kakapora

Ramps destroyed, FIR registered

PAMPORE: In a concerted effort to curb illegal sand mining in Pampore and Kakapora areas of Pulwama district, the Geology and Mining Department, in collaboration with the Flood Control Department, conducted a crackdown on Saturday.
Led by Mineral Supervision Officer Pampore, Ishtiyaq Ahmad Shah, and officials from the Flood Control Department, the joint team dismantled illegal ramps constructed along the Jhelum river to facilitate the movement of trucks and heavy machinery involved in illegal sand extraction.
According to the Geology and Mining Department, the operation was carried out in response to numerous complaints from local residents regarding illegal sand mining on the Jhelum river in these areas. The crackdown covered several locations, including Patalbagh Pampore, Marvel Kakapora, Khadermoh, and other areas of Pulwama district.
During the operation, numerous ramps used by sand diggers for illegal sand extraction were destroyed by the joint team. Officials issued warnings to illegal miners, urging them to refrain from engaging in such illicit activities, as stern action will be taken against them.
“We have been taking strict action against illegal miners in these areas,” said Mineral Officer Nazir Ahmad Mir. “We have seized vehicles and recovered huge fines worth lakhs from offenders. FIRs have also been registered against 20-25 individuals found involved in illegal sand mining.”
The Mineral Officer added that his team is on high alert to monitor illegal mining activities in the district and will take swift action against violators through a fast-track system. “All instances of illegal mining will be addressed according to regulations,” he said.
The Flood Control Department has registered an FIR against four individuals involved in illegal mining activities. The department has also destroyed ramps and approaching roads leading to the river Jhelum as part of its efforts to prevent harm to the Jhelum embankments.

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