Contribute to rebuilding Bazar Masjid, surrounding structures: Mirwaiz

Contribute to rebuilding Bazar Masjid, surrounding structures: Mirwaiz

SRINAGAR: Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir Dr. Moulvi Muhammad Umar Farooq has called on all sections of society, particularly affluent individuals and business associations, to come forward and provide financial and material assistance for the reconstruction of the historical Bazar Masjid and the surrounding residential and commercial structures in Bohri Kadal, Shahr-e-Khaas, Srinagar. These structures were recently devastated by a horrific fire incident.
Addressing a large gathering before Friday prayers at the historic central Jama Masjid in Srinagar, Mirwaiz expressed deep sorrow and concern over the Bohri Kadal fire incident. He emphasized the need for collective efforts to help those affected. He urged everyone to come forward in these difficult times, driven by the great Islamic spirit of mutual assistance, to fulfill community responsibilities by ensuring the reconstruction of the mosque and the rehabilitation of the affected individuals.
Mirwaiz also highlighted the importance of taking preventive measures to avoid such tragic incidents in the future. He specifically urged the management committees and responsible authorities of all historical mosques, shrines, imambarahs, and spiritual centers in the valley to ensure safety measures, he noted that that simply painting and decorating these sacred buildings is not enough to protect them from unforeseen disasters. Instead, it is essential to ensure the installation of emergency water supply systems fire and smoke alarms and fire extinguishers to safeguard these places from devastating incidents like fires.
Mirwaiz urged people to make contributions towards:
Bohri Kadal Rehabilitation Committee
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