Slow and tiresome work culture in various departments of Kashmir Our bureaucratic system is in dire need of reform to align with the goals of Digital India

By Dr Fazal ul Haq Wani
Kashmir is enduring problems caused by a slow-moving, ineffective work culture in government
agencies. Despite the notable progress India has made in digitization through the Digital India
program, the administrative procedures in Kashmir continue to be slow and burdensome. This
article explores the chronic shortcomings of the bureaucratic system and the pressing need for
The Reality of Digital India in Kashmir
Digital India promised to simplify administrative procedures and increase their effectiveness and
accessibility. However, the reality in Kashmir is much different. Document processing takes a
long time for citizens. Even with the development of online platforms, people are still required to
visit offices multiple times, frequently moving between departments and counters. This is not
only a major source of irritation and annoyance but also a time-waster.
The inconsistency in the procedures is one of the most obvious problems. Citizens are often
requested to supply hard copies of documents, even after they have been submitted online.
This negates the benefit of implementing a digital system. The issue is made worse by improper
departmental integration and collaboration. For many, this entails taking several days off from
work and standing in line for hours at the office just to be instructed to return the next day with
more documentation.
For instance, if you have to go to the Power Development Department (PDD), you will be told to
come back again and again for many days, yet your work will still be pending. Such
inefficiencies highlight the gap between the envisioned digital transformation and the ground
Adding to the frustration, if a citizen asks an employee about the procedure, they are often met
with anger and impatience. Employees seem intolerant of even basic inquiries, forgetting that it
is their job to assist the public. This attitude is particularly disheartening because these
employees are paid to serve the citizens and facilitate their administrative needs.

The Call for Administrative Reform
The government and higher authorities must get involved immediately to address the
inefficiencies of the current system. A comprehensive examination of office operations is
required to ensure that the people of Kashmir can benefit from digital innovations. The issue can
be greatly improved by streamlining procedures, improving departmental communication, and
reducing the dependence on physical documents. The administration can become more
responsive and effective with the installation of a stronger digital infrastructure and appropriate
staff training.
Kashmir’s bureaucratic system is in dire need of reform to align with the goals of Digital India.
By addressing the inefficiencies and eliminating redundant procedures, the government can
ensure that citizens receive timely and effective services. The transition towards a truly digital
and efficient administration is not just a necessity but a right for the people of Kashmir. Only with
a committed effort towards reform can the region hope to overcome the challenges of its current
work culture and move towards a brighter, more efficient future.
The writer can be reached at [email protected]

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