How To Keep Your Legs Healthy

How To Keep Your Legs Healthy

In this fast-changing world, you will often hear your family members, especially those in their fifties, complaining about various problems related to their feet. If you visit a friend or relative, you will notice elderly people (aunties, grand old ladies, and grandpas) suffering from either knee joint pain or recurring swelling in their feet. During friendly chats, you cannot escape hearing about problems like redness in their legs or the appearance of black spots on their feet. Sometimes, you may meet someone suffering from leg ulcers for a long time. More often, people complain about the emergence of blue-colored veins on their legs. After hearing all sorts of complaints, you might think these problems are a natural part of old age. Surprisingly, the younger generation is also suffering from various leg problems nowadays due to leading a sedentary and comfortable modern life, causing leg issues to grow rapidly. Beware of Enemies of the Legs The biggest enemy of legs is the lack of daily walking and exercise. Anyone who sits in shops or in front of the TV for many hours continuously will sooner or later suffer from leg problems. Those who gain weight will suffer from leg and joint diseases after some years. All diabetics will always have one or the other problem with their feet, including tingling sensations, pain, or leg ulcers. Smoking or tobacco-chewing is another significant enemy of the legs. Smoking, combined with high blood sugar levels, can severely damage the legs. Additionally, filarial disease in our country is proving very harmful to the legs. What is Essential for Good Health of Feet? Every human leg has three types of pipes inside: Arteries: These carry oxygen-rich blood to the legs. If this pipeline stops functioning, the leg will develop nonhealing ulcers and gangrene. Diabetes and tobacco are the greatest enemies of arteries. Veins: These collect and carry impure (deoxygenated) blood back to the lungs for purification. If veins function normally, the legs will not develop swelling, black spots, or dark patches. Lack of regular walking and increased weight are detrimental to vein health. Lymphatic Vessels: These carry a specialized fluid called lymph upwards towards the heart. If lymphatic vessels get blocked or malfunction, the legs will swell. Uncontrolled swelling can cause the leg to grow to a gigantic size, similar to elephantiasis. Problems like cancer, mosquito bites, or congenital defects can impede lymphatic flow. All these pipes play a special role in keeping legs and feet healthy. If any of these pipes stop functioning properly at any stage of life, your legs cannot remain healthy. A vascular surgeon is responsible for keeping these pipes in good condition. Therefore, always stay in touch with one for the health of your legs. Fundamental Points to Keep Your Feet Healthy Daily Walk: Walk for two hours daily. Controlled Weight: Maintain a healthy weight. Sunlight Exposure: Get 2-3 hours of sunlight daily. In summer, get exposure in the morning (6 AM to 8 AM) or evening (5 PM to 6 PM). Avoid Prolonged Sitting/Standing: Avoid sitting or standing for more than one hour continuously. Exercise: If time permits, do cycling and swimming. Quit Smoking: Stop smoking altogether and avoid tobacco products (e.g., Zarda Paan Masala, Zaafraani Patti, Gul). Diabetes Management: Control your blood sugar level, keep feet clean and dry, and avoid injuries to feet. Footwear: Use soft, well-cushioned shoes and never wear shoes without socks. Avoid chappals, sandals, and slippers. Mosquito Control: Prevent mosquito breeding, use anti-mosquito spray, and sleep under a mosquito net to avoid filarial attacks. Where to Go in Case of Leg Problems? If you notice black discoloration, patches, ulcers, prominent blue-colored veins, swelling, or redness in your legs, do not sit idle. Promptly consult an experienced vascular surgeon. Ignoring these signs may eventually cost you your leg. Go to a hospital with facilities for special investigations like Doppler study, angiography, venography, lymphangiography, and ventilation-perfusion scan. Remember the fundamental points for foot care mentioned above during treatment.

—Dr. K.K. Pandey is a Senior Consultant in the Department of Vascular & Cardiothoracic Surgery at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi. Ph No: 9911114081, 9810114081, E-mail: drpandeykk@

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