Mirwaiz pays tribute to Hazrat Uthman Ghani (RA)

SRINAGAR: Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir Dr Moulvi Muhammad Umar Farooq paid glowing tributes to the Rightly Guided Third Caliph of Islam, Ameer-ul-Moomineen Hazrat Uthman Ghani (RA) on his martyrdom anniversary, terming him “the figure of knowledge and action, patience and modesty, trust and honesty and courage and generosity”.
MIrwaiz said that the great services of Hazrat Uthman Ghani (RA) to Islam, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and the holy Qur’an are unforgettable.
Mirwaiz urged the Muslims to renew their commitment on the day of martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman Baa Haya (RA) to pledge to adopt the lives of the Rightly Guided Caliphs (RA) as their model and to adopt their great teachings in their practical lives.
Meanwhile, Mirwaiz expressed deep anguish and sorrow over the devastating fire incident at Bazar Masjid Bohri Kadal. The fire not only gutted the historic Masjid but also ravaged several houses and business establishments, causing significant loss and hardship to the community.
In a statement, Mirwaiz extended his heartfelt condolences to all those affected by this tragic event. He acknowledged the pain and suffering of those who lost their homes, businesses, and cherished place of worship. Mirwaiz emphasized the need for immediate support and assistance to the victims to help them rebuild their lives and livelihoods.
Furthermore, he called for a thorough investigation into the cause of the fire and urged the authorities to implement stringent safety measures to prevent such incidents in the future. Mirwaiz stressed the importance of accountability and the need for the administration to ensure that safety protocols are strictly adhered to, especially in places of worship and densely populated areas.
In light of this tragedy, Mirwaiz also appealed to the community to come together in solidarity and support those affected, demonstrating the resilience and unity that defines their spirit.

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