Scroll with soul: Cultivate a positive purposeful social media role

Scroll with soul: Cultivate a positive purposeful social media role

In today’s digital age, social media platforms are a double-edged sword. They offer unparalleled connectivity and a wealth of information but also pose significant risks, especially in a society increasingly normalizing content that might be considered explicit or inappropriate. To navigate these platforms responsibly and maintain a civilized presence, it is crucial to adopt a discerning approach to the content you follow and share. Before engaging with social media, it’s important to establish your personal values and what you hope to achieve through your online presence.
Are you using social media for networking, professional development, staying informed, or personal enjoyment? Defining these objectives will help you make mindful decisions about the content you consume and share. Not all social media content is created equal. Take time to research the channels, pages, and influencers you intend to follow. Look into their past posts, mission statements, and overall content strategy. Opt for creators and pages that align with your values and provide positive, enriching, and informative content. Prioritize following reputable and credible sources. News outlets, educational institutions, and well-known industry experts often provide high-quality content. Be wary of channels that frequently post sensationalized or misleading information, as these can contribute to a distorted view of reality and perpetuate unhealthy societal norms.
A recent incident highlighted the dangers of not vetting the influencers we choose to follow. A popular influencer, who gained a large following by impersonating a young girl, was revealed to be a boy using sophisticated techniques to deceive his audience. This deceit not only undermined trust but also highlighted how easily people can be misled, even in a society that considers itself responsible and discerning. The widespread attention and engagement with this fraudulent profile showcased a significant lapse in critical judgment and underscored the need for more vigilant social media practices.
Many social media platforms offer tools to help manage your feed and interactions. Use features like mute, block, and unfollow to tailor your experience. These tools allow you to minimize exposure to undesirable content without necessarily severing connections that might be useful in other contexts. Consider the impact of your interactions. Likes, shares, and comments can all amplify certain types of content. Engage thoughtfully, recognizing that your digital footprint contributes to the broader social media landscape. Avoid contributing to the virality of content that promotes nudity or other forms of explicit material. Understanding and utilizing privacy settings is crucial. Ensure your profiles are set to the desired privacy level to control who sees your content and interactions. This reduces the risk of unwanted exposure to explicit material and protects your personal information. Promote digital literacy within your community. Share resources and tips on responsible social media use. Encourage friends and family to think critically about the content they consume and the channels they support. Regularly assess your social media habits and the content you follow. Reflect on how it affects your mental health and overall outlook on life. Don’t hesitate to make adjustments to your following list to better align with your evolving values and goals.
In a society where explicit content can easily become normalized, and where deceptive influencers can manipulate perceptions, it’s essential to approach social media with caution and intentionality. By carefully selecting the channels and pages you follow, you can create a social media experience that supports your values, promotes responsible behaviour, and contributes positively to the broader digital community. Remember, your online presence is a reflection of your personal integrity and can significantly influence those around you. Make it count.
The writer can be reached at [email protected]

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