Pampore: A black bear which had created panic among the residents during the past couple of weeks was captured by Wildlife Department experts including casual labourers at Bunmohalla Khunmoh area of wildlife range Khrew Pampore on Saturday.
Wildlife department officials told Kashmir Reader that they have captured a big black bear after it got trapped in the cage.
The bear had been roaming in the area for the last two months and since then the department had increased surveillance and installed cages in the different areas.
He said that on Saturday morning, they received a call from locals that a black bear was trapped in a cage at Bonmohalla Khunmoh. A team of wildlife department experts including casual labourers rushed to the spot with tranquiliser guns and captured the alive without causing any injury, he said.
The bear was tranquilised with three shots before it was shifted into the vehicle.
Talking to Kashmir Reader, the Block Officer Wildlife Range Khrew Abdul Hameed said that in the last two months, they had been receiving calls from the locals of Khunmoh area reporting the presence of bears. “After conducting in search in the area, we installed cages in 4-5 locations. Today, we succeeded in our efforts,” he said.
“Our primary objective is to ensure the safety of both humans and animals. The casual labourers have been working diligently, patrolling both day and night, and their hard work has led to a successful operation,” the officer said.
He added, “In particular, operation in residential areas poses significant challenges. They must first ensure that wild animals do not harm or prey upon humans or other animals. They put their heart and soul into their work, with the ultimate goal of preventing any harm to anyone. If there were fruit or walnut trees in the wild, these animals wouldn’t need to venture into human settlements. When they can find their food in the wild, there is no need for them to come into residential areas. Currently, it is the season for fruits, maize, and walnuts, which is why these animals are drawn towards human settlements.”
The captured bear was shifted to Range office Khrew, and later on, released into its natural habitat.
The locals of the area heaved a sigh of relief after the wild animal was captured. They appreciated wildlife officials from Range office Khrew for this action.