How to overcome challenges in teaching and learning processes in schools?

How to overcome challenges in teaching and learning processes in schools?

The present trend of education has come up with a different outlook. It is challenging to overcome it with outdated solutions. To face every challenge in education, teachers must know problem-solving techniques to counter them. Besides this, teaching is considered one of the toughest professions that require all the vital elements to facilitate it. A teacher should have proper skills in hand to use them wisely in schools. With each passing day, one has to learn new things all the day whether in the teaching-learning process or in other aspects that may create bottlenecks to hamper the growth of work but one should not be afraid of anything as new learning gives us new insights of high quality for knowing and solving the problems. Ensuring students receive comprehensive and effective training in subjects is crucial for their academic success and overall development. By implementing the following strategies, teachers can create a learning environment that fosters student growth and mastery of the curriculum. So teachers must strive to enhance the learning capabilities among the students through different ways and approaches in order to facilitate the way ahead for future career choices. It was the time when teachers had to deliver lectures and conduct exams. Modern education has overhauled the system of education.
Teachers must ponder upon these silent features to streamline their works of teaching. These are as under:
1. To initiate with new thoughts: – Every day is a new day and it is a golden thought for both teachers as well as students. While entering the classroom, teachers should interact with the students in a humble way before starting the lecture. As we know each word or a thought of a teacher is a stimulus for the students and this develops a good listening habit among the students. Teachers must keep in mind that they have to kick-start the process of teaching. It is a very bad thing that some teachers often claim to the principal sir that they are unable to control students during class. They are at fault for not using good techniques for making the classroom boring to learn things. Two factors play an important role in making classrooms effective i.e. Lecturing method and Techniques in hand that must not be skipped but gradually implement in classrooms so that they will give better results. Techniques include; Presentations, conversations on topics, telling them to ask questions that are pertinent to subject topics, taking class tests by framing different questions, etc in the case of science subjects practical work is very important and students should learn things practically in labs under the proper guidance of their teachers. It is believed that teachers who understand the situation of classrooms each day are regarded as technical experts.
2. Moral lectures and seriousness of work: – Teachers should be morally sound and serious about their work. It is often said that teachers teach but results do not seem good. It may be the number of factors that don’t work properly i.e. not using pedagogical methods productively well and paying less attention to their work. This marks the end of teachers being worthy among the students. Content and lecturing during teaching should be comprehensively managed in classrooms. Moral lectures of teachers often ignite the inner fire in students Moral soundness is a crucial factor that must be taken care of in schools and classrooms. It is the part of education that plays a pivotal role to develop moral standards.
3. Syllabus-oriented teaching:- It proves good to go through the syllabus once and teach accordingly. But what matters is whether the topics given have been covered in detail or not. A good % of teachers in schools skip the basic things that are very indispensable. They should clear basics with the topics taught.
4. Framing papers in different patterns for class and Term tests:- Teachers often frame papers by taking questions from books given at the end of each chapter. This is an antiquated method and now it has no base in the competitive field. Knowledge and Art always reflect the creditworthiness of great teachers. They frame papers by asking questions from different angles just to check the conceptual clarity of students. It gives a new way to write the answers that truly develops creative ideas of writing and making students realize that rote learning has no existence
5. Making them realize a teacher is also a guide: – A teacher is a guide and a facilitator. Teachers must be inspired for themselves and then it is possible then to show the right path to students towards great success. Students imitate their teachers when they get to know different success stories from their teachers of the people who started from zero but later they have achieved worldwide recognition and conferred with awards in different fields.
6. Inspiring lessons: – Inspiring teachers are dynamic in their field. They teach topics in a very different way inspiring students to learn things comprehensively. A teacher must know his/her abilities and how to shape the students. Besides teaching, they encourage them to become something in life. Lessons that they give to students are worth noting and it would help them in the long run.
7. Receiving feedback on each day from students:- Daily feedback is a very essential component in the teaching and learning process. It encourages teachers how to facilitate ahead and would also help them to know what is required in the future that works out best for the students. Positive feedback gives positive vibes and similarly negative marks the wrong impression but a teacher should not take it as an insult. Feedback works like a regulator that maintains an equilibrium state for teachers that significantly gives positive results in the future.
8. Assigning homework: – Assign work each day. This works best for students as they are supposed to get their work done at home. It develops a sense of curiosity and ingenuity in their academic career.
9. Paying more attention to weak students: All students are equal in learning. It is the responsibility of teachers to find out outstanding, good, average student, and below-average students. Take some time for them and also for teaching them in small groups as it may boost their learning and attention. This will make them realize that teachers are serious to bring us out of such worst phase of learning
10. Watch daily lectures on YouTube from mentors of top-notch: There are many lectures on digital platforms regarding this topic which is the best way to learn new things in minutes. Mentors and educationists on YouTube share their views and thoughts with the audiences on different topics. I personally follow Qasim Ali Shah who is a great teacher, mentor, and counselor who talks about different issues with their solutions. He has one video on his official channel in two parts in which he is talking about the teaching and learning process and their challenges. I recommend my teacher fraternity to watch his lectures so that they will give you some key ideas.

The writer is a columnist and teacher. He can be reached at [email protected]

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