New Delhi: National Monuments Authority (NMA) Chairman and BJP leader Tarun Vijay on Thursday said the Ganesha idols placed “disrespectfully” in the Qutub Minar complex should either be removed or installed “respectfully”.
The former MP said he had raised the issue with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) more than a year ago, but is yet to receive a response to his letter.
“The idols are currently placed at a most disrespectful place, upside down at the feet level of the visitors. The idols should either be removed or placed respectfully inside the Qutub complex,” he told PTI.
In a tweet, Vijay also sought to know what happened to the 27 temples that were believed to be located inside the complex.
“…why Ganesha moorti was put upside down to humiliate Hindus. There are Tirthankars, Yamuna, Dashavatar, Krishna’s birth and Navagraha moortis never shown to visitors,” he said in the tweet. —PTI