Choosing a Research Topic: Relevance should be priority

Choosing a Research Topic: Relevance should be priority

Being a research scholar needs passion and great dedication. Once you enter a university as a research scholar, you are giving at least five years to a specific subject. The topic can be anything: social, ethical, religious, technical, biological, literary. It requires some vision to identify a problem and go about solving it. But a researcher not only identifies a problem but tries to figure out the roots of the problem and examines its different angles and aspects, before finally coming up with a solution. A solution that is given without proper understanding of a problem is invalid.
There can’t be stability in the world, because if there is stability no change will happen. If hydrogen is stable, it won’t mix with oxygen. If there is no mixing between the two, there will be no water. If sodium is stable, it won’t need the support of chlorine for stability, which means there will be no salt. Can we imagine a person who has every talent and doesn’t need anything? Why will he live then? A man only acts when he is in need of something. If there is absolute stability, then life is meaningless. It is the needs of people that give birth to educational centers, hospitals, judiciary, police, etc.
However, every single organism tries to achieve stability. The elements in the periodic table are all in search of stability. It’s their search for stability that gives birth to different chemicals. Scholars of chemistry believe that everything that exists in the universe is the outcome of the thirst that elements have for stability. Human beings, too, run after stability. We want stability in our lives, including mental stability, economic stability, educational stability, physical stability, etc. But gaining perfect stability is impossible.
When a scholar sees any problem he tries to find its solution. Take for example a person who sees that there is a decline in crop production; he finds its causes, then comes up with a remedy. By doing so, he also benefits his society and his people. Every research has its own importance, but priorities matter everywhere in research. A scholar should know that if there are a thousand problems, then the most pressing ones should be addressed first. A genuine scholar is one who can’t see his people in stress. He tries to alleviate that stress with his hard work and vision. He sacrifices his sleep and rest to bring out his people from slumber. He prioritises problems and addresses the most important ones first.
There is now a trend among research scholars to choose topics according to their own whims and taste without bothering about their relevance to society. A research is of no value if it doesn’t give benefit to people. Many scholars compare two dead personalities for five years of their research, while those personalities have no role in today’s world. In this way a lot of money and time goes in vain. Why can’t scholars go for such topics and problems that are important? The reason behind low production of crops and fruits should be among priorities of agricultural and horticultural scholars. The economic crisis faced by humans should be focused on by economic scholars. The reasons of political anarchy should be focused on by political scholars. The students of Urdu should be able to motivate the masses for embracing Urdu culture. Every academic field is going to sink if the ratio of genuine and serious research scholars declines. I have seen even illiterate people trying to solve the problems of people while researchers and scholars sit and do nothing.
It’s never too late to begin. Our scholars need to get serious in this regard, and choosing a relevant topic is the most important task. A person living in a society shouldn’t ignore the issues and problems of society. Rather, a researcher should be the one who tries to solve such problems. This has been the hallmark of great scholars and in this way a better world can be created.

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