NEW DELHI Jammu and Kashmir has sought funds worth Rs 104.96 crore from GoI under the Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF) that has a corpus of Rs 7,522 crore.
Under the FIDF, Nabard will provide fund to the tune of about Rs 2,600 crore through state governments for developing only public infrastructure like fishing harbour, fish landing centres, modernised state fish seed farms, fish markets, disease diagnostic labs and aquatic quarantine facilities.
Loan from the FIDF to private sector players is also given through commercial banks. So far, the Centre has not received any proposals from private players.
Besides, Jammu and Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Mizoram, Assam and Kerala have submitted proposals seeking a total loan of Rs 2,751 crore so far, he said.
The loan is given for a tenure of 12 years and there would be moratorium of two years on repayment of principal. The Centre is providing interest subvention of 3 per cent on the loan released from the FIDF.
As per the official data, the Tamil Nadu government has submitted a proposal seeking a total loan of Rs 836.80 crore form this fund, while Andhra Pradesh government has sought Rs 1,295 crore, Telangana Rs 265 crore, Jammu and Kashmir Rs 104.96 crore, Maharashtra Rs 99 crore, Assam Rs 21.65 crore, Kerala Rs 19.42 crore and Mizoram Rs 8.57 crore.