Support Greta Thunberg

2:15 pm October 4, 2019


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Support Greta Thunberg

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Greta Thunberg, the 16 year old Swedish climate change activist, has created ripples with her activism, something that has brought her both support and criticism. Her articulate and rather innocent stance and activism has endeared her to millions but at the same time, some have become her opponents and critics. Generally speaking, climate change is a nagging and a dangerous issue. And, the fact is that climate change is happening despite the hand wringing of climate change deniers who, usually, have a political and an ideological axe to grind. Evidence(basic and obvious) of climate change is writ large in the bizarre weather patterns – extremes of heat and cold weather, freak snow falls and rainfalls-and so on. Climate change happens usually because of carbon(C02) emission and because of this has become the ram rod between the developed and developing countries. The former claim that they cant be held responsible because much time has elapsed since their development process took place , which led to more CO2 commissions. The latter assert that since they are at a certain development stage, they must not get to cop blame. Obiter dictum and generally speaking, climate change can also be cause by deforestation, high pollution levels and their allied problems and issues. While reams have been written by academics and analysts and media attention has also been on the issue, it is Greta Thunberg’s activism that has put the spotlight on the issue of climate change. There is something about the young girl and the way articulates the issue and the need for drastic action to deal with climate change. The day might not be far off when some vested interests with deep pockets will attack Thunberg, in and through papers, social and conventional media and so on. It is both now and then that Greta must be supported in all forms. The girl has stood upto the establishment boldly and courageously and she has thrown a spotlight on the issue of climate change with a certain thoroughness and innocence that it must not allowed to go in. Greta must be supported, encouraged and promoted. She must be invited to and for talks so that her peers, the elderly, or in short all age brackets and cohorts so that they get inspired and take the message far and beyond. The 19 year old Greta Thunberg has demonstrated the power of real and inspired activism. She must be supported.

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KR Desk
2:15 pm October 4, 2019


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