New Delhi: The Union government on Thursday removed the cap of Rs. 10, 000, and instead said the government will now fully fund the education of children of armed forces’ personnel missing, killed or rendered disabled in action, said a media report.
Quoting a notification from the Ministry of Finance, the report published in The Indian Express said: “Educational concession will continue without the cap of Rs10,000/- per month. The ‘Educational Concession’ will be admissible only for undertaking studies in a government/government-aided school. Military/Sainik schools and others schools and colleges recognised by the central or state government, including the autonomous organisations financed entirely by the central/state governments”.
The concession is to the children of officers from the armed forces, ‘persons below officer rank’ missing in action, and those disabled or killed in action, mentioned the report.
Previously, such children were given a full reimbursement of tuition fees, hostel charges, cost of books, cost of uniforms and clothing, the report mentioned.
However, in a decision taken by the Seventh Pay Commission, a cap of Rs. 10, 000 was introduced on the same, said the report.