Editorial: Knowledge initiative needs to be taken seriously

Ever since it was constituted, the Jammu and Kashmir governments knowledge initiative commission has held a series of meeting outlining the agenda and way forward for achieving the state goal of empowering  J&K’s Youth into a Global Knowledge Society.

It is heartwarming to see the initiative being regular in its activities and not working as a hallmark government concern that is hardly visible once constituted.

The latest development in the course of action by the initiative is invitation for ideas from the stakeholders on the subject matter.It is imperative that the initiative concludes the mandated Job in the timeframe as envisaged. And while doing so, the expert opinions from the stakeholders and common people must be taken in to formulate policies that are effective and worthy of bringing change on the ground rather than ending up exercises of “paper generation” for the sake of record without any utility on

It is imperative that the initiative concludes the mandated Job in the timeframe as envisaged. And while doing so, the expert opinions from the stakeholders and common people must be taken in to formulate policies that are effective and worthy of bringing change on the ground rather than ending up exercises of “paper generation” for the sake of record without any utility on the ground. Thankfully, this is happening so far.While the working group for the purpose seems to be doing fine, now is the turn of subject experts, scientists, educationists, civil society, etc to contribute their bit.

While the working group for the purpose seems to be doing fine, now is the turn of subject experts, scientists, educationists, civil society, etc to contribute their bit.

This contribution should come in form of tangible ideas that one wants to be part of the policy guidelines for future.

As they say, Be the change you want. This is a golden opportunity to voice ideas and see them becoming part of the governing policy for areas of critical importance for the state.The initiative is aimed at revamping the education scenario in Jammu and Kashmir, by preparing a vision document for interventions in skills, teaching, learning, research and innovation that will be drawn from global best practices and traditional norms.

The initiative is aimed at revamping the education scenario in Jammu and Kashmir, by preparing a vision document for interventions in skills, teaching, learning, research and innovation that will be drawn from global best practices and traditional norms.

While many initiatives like this had been taken in past as well, the inclusion of experts like Prof Amitabh Mattoo as the chairman instills confidence about the exercise being productive and yielding a workable roadmap.

The Knowledge Initiative is work-in-progress to help provide the State Government with a blueprint for strategic interventions in the Education Sector that can ensure the empowerment of the State’s youth in a knowledge society.

In contemporary times a knowledge society is one which is equipped to address complex challenges facing it in a diversity of areas through by using the right ideas to make the most optimal policy choices.

We need to look inwards as well as outside. A healthy balance of best practices, local and global, combined with state-of-the-art technology needs to guide our effort.


Few people can forecast the jobs that will be needed for the future, but there is growing clarity on what skills may be needed to address the problems of this century. These include Problem-solving or Critical Thinking; Creativity; Analytical thinking; Communication; Collaborative skills; and Ethical foundations.

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