The common man is suffering due to the sorry state of affairs at SMHS hospital as it takes months for a simple MRI, CT scan test to be done in the hospital and follow-up appointment dates given to the patients have a long gap.
One such case is of Muhammad Yousuf Dar of Char-e-Sharief, Budgam. He has been running from pillar to post at the Govt. College of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, Shireen Bagh, Srinagar. It is here that the hospital has a separate block for MRI. However, this place is extremely noisy and mayhem continuously surrounds the block and it does not prove to be a proper place where the tests can be conducted.
Yousufís wife, Shakeela, has been asked to undergo a surgery at Lalla Ded Hospital on June 19. But before the surgery, she has been asked to undergo an MRI test. They tried to take an appointment for the MRI, and to their shock and dismay they have been given a date for MRI test for some time in November.
Dar said, ìThis is bizarre. My wife is scheduled to undergo a surgery on June 19, and I have been given a date with a gap of four months for the MRI test.î
Stating that there is ëonly one MRI machineí operating in the hospital, Medical Superintendent (MS), SMHS Dr. Nazir Chowdhary said, ìWe face a huge rush of patients from all around, and this is the main reason that the patients are made to wait. We take care of emergency cases and treat them on priority.î
He clarified that the hospital surely needs another MRI machine.
However, Darís case surely refutes Dr. Chowdharyís claims of giving priority to emergency patients. In fact, Dar was asked to leave and ìnobody listened to him when he pleaded that his wifeís case was an emergency case and that she had to undergo surgery. This is not the only problem at this hospital. Even the CT scan report comes after 10-15 days of the test, which otherwise takes a few minutes, if done outside.
Most patients are given an appointment for CT scan after a gap of 2-3 weeks as no scans are done on a priority or emergency basis.
The Medical Superintendent at SMHS tried saying patients can get these tests from outside as they are not very expensive and not add to the already existing rush at Govt hospitals.