Police Wednesday said it has retrieved the body of the cop who was killed by an SPO in Handwara in Kupwara last month. Police sources said that the body of the cop, Sameer Ji Kumar, was retrieved from Pahroo stream near Hanjishat village in Handwara tehsil in Kupwara district. “The body of the policeman who was killed by an SPO has been retrieved today morning with the assistance of policemen, marine forces and locals. The body has been taken for post mortem,” police sources said.
Police sources said the operation was conducted with the assistance of SHO, DO in Hanjishat.
Police had said that Sameer Ji Kumar was killed by an SPO, Aijaz Ahmad of Ompora Budgam to avenge sexual assault that the former had committed on the latter in Pahalgam.
Police had said that the two cops had gone to Kupwara to drop uncle of Kumar, who is a policeman after he was transferred from Pahalgam to Kupwara.