Fearing yet another student uprising, authorities continue to suspend class work in colleges and higher secondary institution in the valley, raising eye brows on government’s recent order saying that the student’s short of 90 percent attendance mark will not be allowed to sit in the exams.
On Wednesday, authorities ordered that there will be no class work in any higher secondary on Thursday, and this time including the colleges in the category as well.
In April this year, forces allegedly entered into the premises of GDC Pulwama, where scores of students were injured in forces action. After the incident, students across the valley hit the streets, protesting the use of excessive force in Pulwama.
The student protests did not die down easily, as almost every day students were seen out on streets, protesting and usually the protests ended up after fighting pitched battles with the forces.
The authorities are trying to play it safe this time around, after the killing of Hizb Commander, Sabzar Ahmad Bhat and his close aide, Faizan Muzaffar at an encounter in Tral on May 27.
Fearing that the situation may take an ugly turn, after the emotions are running high, authorities are trying not to let students assemble anyway; the assembly that would pave way for the protests.
An official privy to the developments in the district administration, Srinagar said that “authorities are trying to let the crisis diffuse a bit and only after that they will allow the normal functioning of schools and colleges,” adding that “it may take a day or two more.”
Interestingly, the government recently said that the student falling short of 90 percent attendance will not be allowed to sit in the examinations; however the actions taken by the district administration are doing the opposite of it.
“I don’t understand, if they say 90 percent of attendance, how they are going to compensate the days that have wasted due to orders like one was issued on Wednesday,” said Saqib Ali, a student.
The student protests that have been witnessed have also raised some serious questions about newly emerged fragility and the sensitiveness of the educational instructions, with educationist say that “there is no point in shutting down the institutions, every time this thing or that things happens,” adding that by doing this “the administration is only letting the sensitiveness sneak into the educational institutions.”