The head of the Jammu and Kashmir police department, S.P. Vaid, on Thursday said that the joining of local Kashmiri youth in the police department would help the police defeat militant separatism in Kashmir. He said a recruitment drive has been started in the state to provide the youth an opportunity to join the police and thereby serve the state and country.
Vaid was on a tour of southern Kashmir where he visited district Police Lines, in Pulwama, to inspect the process of recruitment of the constables in the district. The DGP was received by the chairman of the Police Recruitment Board, Surinder Gupta.
Gupta briefed Vaid regarding the process and measures taken for a smooth conduct of physical tests of the candidates. Speaking on this occasion Vaid said that the recruitment drive has been started in the Jammu and Kashmir Police to provide an opportunity to the youth to join the Police and serve the state and the country.
He said that the recruitment is being conducted purely on merits and in a very transparent manner without any kind of influence. The DGP said that J&K Police has introduced a computerised transparent recruitment process in which there is no scope of corruption and favourtism.
He said that the recruitment of the youth in the Jammu and Kashmir Police will be of great help in facing the challenge of militancy as Police has been on the fore front of the fight from 1990. Wishing good luck to the participating candidates, the DGP said that there has been overwhelming response to the recruitment in the South Kashmir. The recruitment rally in Pulwama will continue for two days from where 3710 candidates including 69 females have applied for the post of constables in J&K Police.
Cautioning the aspirants of police jobs not to pay bribe to any person as the recruitment will be “fair” and “transparent” he said: “The recruitment is computerized and transparent. Don’t pay bribe to anyone. Nobody’s recommendation will be accepted, even not mine or of the chief minister,” he told reporters.