While ridiculing the statement of BJP’s general secretary Ram Madhav, wherein he had said that “talks with separatist leadership can be held under the ambit of the Constitution of India,” Democratic Freedom Party’s the chairman Shabir Ahmad Shah said that “we never begged for talks before India.”
While saying that “we reject such offer of dialogue within Indian Constitution,” Shah said “as the Kashmir dispute has been acknowledged by international community and backed by more than 18 IN resolutions.”
Shah said that “Ram Madhav should bear in mind that Kashmir is not part of India,” adding that “it is due to this rigid attitude of New Delhi that uncertainty is prevailing in Kashmir.”
Impressing that the “people of Jammu Kashmir have never begged for talks before India,” Shah said that “people do not believe in bilateral dialogue, but are of the view that all the stakeholders of this issue should all be taken on board”
While adding that statements like these cannot “weaken out our resolute” Shah said that “Despite enormous sacrifices, we never gave up hope but continue with the struggle of demanding a third party intervention,” he said.