Exploring The Complex Interplay Between Human Health And The Environment

Exploring The Complex Interplay Between Human Health And The Environment

World Environmental Health Day Fostering a vital connection between the environment and human health can lead to a healthier planet for all. Rather than considering the physical aspects of the environment, like air, water, land, climate, and pollution, it’s very important to unveil the other aspects of the environment and find a connection with human […]

From Local To Global: How Tourism Unites Us All

From Local To Global: How Tourism Unites Us All

World Tourism Day 2024 Tourism has emerged as a powerful engine for global understanding, economic progress, and cross-cultural exchange in an increasingly interconnected world. Every year, millions of tourists cross international boundaries, drawn by the allure of adventure, rich cultural diversity, and beautiful landscapes. On World Tourism Day 2024, we are reminded of how this […]

India, Now Is The Time To Move Away From Rote Learning

India, Now Is The Time To Move Away From Rote Learning

As India prepares to become a global powerhouse, it is essential to revamp the education system to equip students with critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation skills, rather than mere memorisation. As India moves closer to its goal of becoming a global powerhouse, it is essential to carefully reconsider and revamp our educational system. Our growing […]

When Care Fails: Exploring Medical Negligence And Its Implications 

When Care Fails: Exploring Medical Negligence And Its Implications 

Understanding the principles, components, and judicial analysis of medical negligence in India, with a comparative international perspective The medical profession is considered one of the noblest in the world because it preserves life. A patient often approaches a doctor based on their reputation. For the patient, a doctor is like a god. But in reality, […]

Inferiority – A Silent Struggle

Inferiority – A Silent Struggle

Understanding the roots, manifestations, and consequences of inferiority, and how to overcome it through self-awareness, self-compassion and intentional reflection Inferiority is a pervasive and often silent struggle that can affect individuals from all walks of life. This emotional state is characterized by a deep-seated belief that one is not good enough, worthy enough, or capable […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Its Application In Special Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Its Application In Special Education

From personalized learning experiences to assistive technologies, AI is poised to make a significant impact in the special education sector, but only if educators, policymakers, and technologists work together to create inclusive and effective solutions. Special education describes specialized instructional programs to address the special requirements of students with disabilities. Through tailored support, these programs […]

Alarming Rise In Heart Attack Cases Among J&K’s Young Population

Alarming Rise In Heart Attack Cases Among J&K’s Young Population

With the incidence of heart attacks increasing among young people, experts stress the importance of immediate medical attention, lifestyle changes, and promoting healthy habits from a young age The theme for World Heart Day 2024, ‘My health, my right’, highlights the growing concern over the rising incidence of heart attacks and strokes in Jammu & […]

The Theory Of Religious Economy: A Framework For Understanding Religion In Society

The Theory Of Religious Economy: A Framework For Understanding Religion In Society

In a world of increasing religious pluralism, the Theory of Religious Economy provides a framework for understanding how religions function, compete, and thrive in a marketplace of spiritual beliefs. In the ever-changing landscape of modern society, the role of religion remains pivotal. However, the ways in which religions operate, compete, and thrive are subjects of […]

The Cost Of Climbing The Corporate Ladder: A Life Lost To Burnout

The Cost Of Climbing The Corporate Ladder: A Life Lost To Burnout

Overwork in corporate culture must be addressed; it’s a wake-up call to workplaces In the air-conditioned soul-crushing expanse of a multinational office in Pune India, the hum of computers drowns out the quiet cries of exhaustion. From the outside it appears to be going through the motions – emails zapping back and forth, meetings dragging […]

The Revival Of Pashmina And Handicrafts

The Revival Of Pashmina And Handicrafts

Need to preserve the art of pashmina weaving and empowering local communities The revival of crafts that involve creating items with one’s hands and skills is not only about embracing traditional work but also about empowering local communities and preserving the artistry that has been passed down through generations. It weaves a legacy of craftsmanship […]