Gurez Chronicles: Exploring The Valley Where Time Stands Still

Gurez Chronicles: Exploring The Valley Where Time Stands Still

As tourism begins to boom in this picturesque valley, concerns about environmental impact and cultural preservation are mounting, but for now, the beauty of Gurez remains a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers In 1895, British author Sir Walter Lawrence described the Gurez Valley as “one of the most beautiful scenes in all of […]

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): God’s Greatest Manifestation On Earth

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): God’s Greatest Manifestation On Earth

Shaheed Muttahari highlights the importance of knowledge and intellect in understanding God and the world. He emphasizes that everything in the world is a manifestation of God, and that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to guide humanity in understanding God’s existence, attributes, and teachings. Shaheed Muttahari holds that everything in this world is a manifestation […]

Safeguarding Childhood: The Significance Of The POSCO Act

Safeguarding Childhood: The Significance Of The POSCO Act

This article gives a comprehensive review of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POSCO) Act, its significance in addressing child sexual abuse and exploitation and its impact on child welfare and justice. In an era where the protection and well-being of children are paramount, legislative measures play a crucial role in ensuring that these […]

The NET Dilemma: Rethinking Teacher Selection In India’s Education System

The NET Dilemma: Rethinking Teacher Selection In India’s Education System

The National Eligibility Test (NET) in India is a pivotal examination designed to ensure that aspiring lecturers and assistant professors possess a certain level of academic competence and subject knowledge. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the NET’s effectiveness in selecting qualified teachers, examining both its advantages and its criticisms. Among its merits, the […]

Equations And Their Role In Shaping Our World

Equations And Their Role In Shaping Our World

From Pythagoras to Schrödinger, equations have not only advanced scientific understanding but have also driven technological innovations that define modern life. This exploration highlights how these mathematical tools have transformed our world and continue to unlock new possibilities. In the very beginning, let me make it categorically clear to the readers that this write-up has […]

The Wish-Fulfilling Tree

The Wish-Fulfilling Tree

A family’s journey through miracle and sacrifice BLURB: Sameer and his wife’s long-awaited wish for a child leads to an unforeseen ordeal. After enduring immense hardship and sacrificing almost everything, their miracle baby’s health crisis tests their resilience and belief, ultimately leading them to a profound understanding of sacrifice and hope. Sameer, a young man […]