TEACHERS’ DAY – Honouring Mentors: A Tribute To Our Lifelong Guides And Role Models

TEACHERS’ DAY – Honouring Mentors: A Tribute To Our Lifelong Guides And Role Models

In Islam, teachers are seen as guides, mentors and custodians of knowledge, and their role is central to the development of society In Islam, the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge hold a position of utmost sanctity, as the Quran states, ‘He taught man what he did not know’ (96:5). This divine attribute of being a […]

Where Does Today’s Teacher Stand? Let’s Introspect

Where Does Today’s Teacher Stand? Let’s Introspect

From prophetic pedagogues to marginalized mentors: reflecting on the sacred bond of teaching and the urgent need to restore educators’ esteemed role in the 21st century Since time immemorial, we have heard people say that teaching is a prophetic profession. Teachers are the builders of nations, the saints and seers of every era. But who […]

Teacher’s Day: A Tribute To The Guiding Lights Of My Journey

Teacher’s Day: A Tribute To The Guiding Lights Of My Journey

The lotus feet of the guru Who taught the first lisping Stuttering baby rhyme Little Miss Muffet To the sagacious aura of bliss Wafting across eternity The Anhad Naad sounds of divinity Reverberating in the firmament It’s the teacher who is king Lighting lamps on the clay walls Of endless questing minds Bowing in reverence […]

Teachers: The Architects Of A Nation’s Future

Teachers: The Architects Of A Nation’s Future

From shaping our minds to instilling moral values, teachers play a vital role in shaping our lives and our future Alexander the Great, while highlighting the significance of a teacher, said, “I am beholden to my parents for my life, but for living a good life, I am beholden to my teacher.” This underscores the […]

Teachers’ Day: Celebrating The Pillars Of The Society

Teachers’ Day: Celebrating The Pillars Of The Society

It’s time to recognize the challenges faced by educators and reaffirm their critical role in shaping the nation’s future Teachers are the architects of the future, building minds with wisdom and hearts with compassion. Every year, on the 5th of September, India celebrates Teachers’ Day with great enthusiasm and reverence. This day is not only […]

The Dark Side Of Social Media Fame: The Exploitation Of Minor Influencers

The Dark Side Of Social Media Fame: The Exploitation Of Minor Influencers

As social media platforms become increasingly lucrative, businesses are exploiting minors for their online influence, often at the expense of their well-being and education. Kashmir has turned into another place in social media where every Tom, Dick, and Harry has turned into a journalist, vlogger, influencer, content maker or roaster. As much as the ideas […]

Scholars On The Street: A Nation’s Intellectual Decline

Scholars On The Street: A Nation’s Intellectual Decline

As the government fails to provide employment, PhD scholars in Kashmir are forced to do odd jobs. This highlights a deep-seated crisis in the education system. In Kashmir, a painful irony unfolds as scholars who once inspired students in classrooms are now forced to do odd jobs to survive. These educators, who dedicated their lives […]

Rape: A Tool Of Power, Control and Patriarchy

Rape: A Tool Of Power, Control and Patriarchy

Exploring the historical and cultural roots of sexual violence as a weapon of dominance Rape is a violent crime that transcends individual assault; it is an expression of dominance deeply rooted in historical, social, and cultural contexts. Throughout history, rape has been utilized not only as an act of physical violence but also as a […]

A Social Satire: How Not To Be A Human

A Social Satire: How Not To Be A Human

How we let our words and actions speak for themselves On average, a person speaks between 7,000 and 20,000 words a day. But how often do those words include something truly noble or meaningful? How many of them are spoken softly? How many come from the heart? And how many are full of manipulation, or […]

The Decline Of General English In J&K’s Higher Education

The Decline Of General English In J&K’s Higher Education

The shift away from compulsory English under NEP 2020 threatens careers and language proficiency For decades, General English was a compulsory subject across all educational streams in Jammu and Kashmir. Whether students were pursuing Arts, Medical, Non-medical, or Commerce, they were required to study English alongside their chosen disciplines. The reason for this was clear: […]