The Importance Of Good Qualities In Our Life

The Importance Of Good Qualities In Our Life

We must learn from our mistakes and work towards correcting them to gain something from society God has made us into well-formed human beings, different from the rest of the creatures in the world. It is quite hard to believe that a person gets what is written in his fate and no one can challenge […]

National Statistics Day: Celebrating The Power Of Data In India

National Statistics Day: Celebrating The Power Of Data In India

The day is more than just a tribute to a great statistician; it is a celebration of the power of data in shaping a better future On June 29th, India commemorates National Statistics Day, dedicated to recognizing the vital role that statistics and statisticians play in the nation’s development. This annual celebration marks the birth […]

The Altalena Affair: Is Israel Heading towards a Civil War?  

The Altalena Affair: Is Israel Heading towards a Civil War?   

“There will be no civil war” in Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on June 18. But he might be wrong. Netanyahu’s statement was made in the context of the growing popular protests in Israel, especially following the long-anticipated resignations of several Israeli War Cabinet Ministers, including Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot – both […]

An Alarming Phenomenon: Young People’s Fear Of Failure

An Alarming Phenomenon: Young People’s Fear Of Failure

Recent years have seen a rise in the fear of failure among the younger generation. It refers to the great fear of failure and the desire to avoid it, which frequently causes people to limit their actions and take fewer risks. The purpose of this article is to examine the causes of this phobia, how […]

Importance and uses of data for decision-making

Importance and uses of data for decision-making

As we know, Statistics Day is celebrated every year on 29th June, since 2007. This day marks the birth anniversary of late Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, in recognition of his valuable contribution to economic planning and statistics. The major objectives of celebrating Statistics Day are to create public awareness, especially among the younger generation, about […]

Public Libraries: Cornerstones Of Knowledge And Community In Digital Era

Public Libraries: Cornerstones Of Knowledge And Community In Digital Era

Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life: Sidney Sheldon Public libraries have long been considered pillars of knowledge, bastions of community service, and havens for intellectual growth. However, with the proliferation of […]

Slow and tiresome work culture in various departments of Kashmir

Slow and tiresome work culture in various departments of Kashmir

Our bureaucratic system is in dire need of reform to align with the goals of Digital India Kashmir is enduring problems caused by a slow-moving, ineffective work culture in government agencies. Despite the notable progress India has made in digitization through the Digital India program, the administrative procedures in Kashmir continue to be slow and […]

The Perils Of Being A Shopkeeper

The Perils Of Being A Shopkeeper

A compelling photograph has recently surfaced across social media platforms, displaying a storefront adorned with a heartbreaking plea: “Do not Ashame yourself by asking for credit. Kindly refrain from soliciting credit.” A multitude of perspectives and narratives emerge from netizens and stakeholders within the community. To my surprise, I was tagged by acquaintances in conjunction […]

The Perils Of Being A Shopkeeper

By Peer Mohammad Amir Qureshi A compelling photograph has recently surfaced across social media platforms, displaying a storefront adorned with a heartbreaking plea: “Do not Ashame yourself by asking for credit. Kindly refrain from soliciting credit.” A multitude of perspectives and narratives emerge from netizens and stakeholders within the community. To my surprise, I was […]

Slow and tiresome work culture in various departments of Kashmir Our bureaucratic system is in dire need of reform to align with the goals of Digital India

By Dr Fazal ul Haq Wani Kashmir is enduring problems caused by a slow-moving, ineffective work culture in government agencies. Despite the notable progress India has made in digitization through the Digital India program, the administrative procedures in Kashmir continue to be slow and burdensome. This article explores the chronic shortcomings of the bureaucratic system […]