The Role Of Translation In Advancing Higher Education In Kashmir

The Role Of Translation In Advancing Higher Education In Kashmir

As language barriers hinder access to global knowledge, translation plays a vital role in bridging the gap and empowering students in Kashmir In today’s rapidly evolving academic landscape, access to knowledge is more vital than ever before. Higher education institutions around the world serve as hubs of intellectual growth, nurturing students who will go on […]

Tribute: On The Eleventh Death Anniversary Of My Father

Tribute: On The Eleventh Death Anniversary Of My Father

A son’s emotional journey of coping with grief after his father’s demise and his reflections on the lessons he learned Writing on your death anniversary is the most abstruse task for me because your thoughts and memories flow endlessly in my mind like a running stream. How can I record and repeat your honourable life […]

Unprecedented Apple Drop – A Worrisome Situation For Farmers

Unprecedented Apple Drop – A Worrisome Situation For Farmers

Unprecedented apple drop and market volatility have left farmers struggling to make ends meet, highlighting the need for urgent solutions and long-term strategies to revitalize the horticulture sector. Horticulture, the backbone of Kashmir’s economy, provides livelihood to a varied class of people and contributes substantially towards the state’s GDP. Farmers invest their entire lifetime and […]

Breaking The Silence: Unite To Prevent Suicide

Breaking The Silence: Unite To Prevent Suicide

Life is worth fighting for because it is worth living: Elizabeth Taylor  Every year, over 800,000 people succumb to suicide, leaving behind devastated families, friends, and communities. Suicide is a global health crisis that transcends borders, cultures, and socioeconomic boundaries. On September 10th, we observe World Suicide Prevention Day, a poignant reminder of our collective […]

Ushr (Charity On Agricultural Income) In Islam: Its Importance And How One Should Give It 

Ushr (Charity On Agricultural Income) In Islam: Its Importance And How One Should Give It 

Ushr, a form of zakat (mandatory almsgiving) on agricultural produce, plays a crucial role in balancing wealth between the rich and poor, ensuring social harmony and fulfilling religious duties. Ushr is extracting one-tenth of zakat from the production of agricultural land. It is a form of tax levied on Muslim landlords to balance the society […]

World Rivers Day 2024: Rivers Beyond The Natural Resource Of Water: A Matter Of Deep Introspection 

World Rivers Day 2024: Rivers Beyond The Natural Resource Of Water: A Matter Of Deep Introspection 

A river runs from God’s throne, representing God’s life-giving presence (Revelation 22:1-2) A river comes from the House of God (Ezekiel 47:1-12) Nature has bestowed us with many bounties that we avail and enjoy in our day-to-day lives. Every component of the natural setup has tremendous importance for the existence of life on Earth. Water […]

The World Wants To Make In India

The World Wants To Make In India

In 10 years, the ‘Make in India’ initiative has revitalized India’s industrial landscape, attracting investments, boosting manufacturing, and creating millions of jobs, positioning India as a global manufacturing hub, writes the Union Minister of Commerce and Industry On September 25, the country observed 10 years of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s game-changing ‘Make in India’ initiative, […]

Harud: Autumn Is Kashmir Is A Season Of Harvest And Cultural Richness

Harud: Autumn Is Kashmir Is A Season Of Harvest And Cultural Richness

Kashmir Valley experiences four distinct seasons: spring, from March 21st to June 21st; summer, from June 22nd to September 21st; autumn, from September 22nd to December 21st; and winter, the season most adored by foreign tourists. Winter begins with the arrival of Chillai Kalaan, a harsh 40-day period during which every drop of water freezes, […]

Explosions In Lebanon: A Wake-Up Call For A New Era Of Warfare

Explosions In Lebanon: A Wake-Up Call For A New Era Of Warfare

On a seemingly ordinary afternoon on September 18, a series of explosions rocked Beirut and other parts of Lebanon. What followed was nothing short of alarming, as reports emerged that the blasts were linked to the use of everyday devices like wireless phones and solar panels. This incident, reminiscent of a Trojan Horse, paved the […]

Breaking Barriers: Prof Naima Khatoon’s Historic Appointment As First Female Vice-Chancellor Of Aligarh Muslim University

Breaking Barriers: Prof Naima Khatoon’s Historic Appointment As First Female Vice-Chancellor Of Aligarh Muslim University

She is a beacon of inspiration for Muslim and socially marginalised girls. Her appointment is a testament to her perseverance, dedication, and excellence, paving the way for Muslim girls and women to pursue leadership roles in academia. Women’s representation in Indian educational institutions has evolved significantly over the years, especially in terms of enrollment. However, […]

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