DEO Bandipora briefs media on poll preparedness

BANDIPORA: The District Election Officer (DEO) Bandipora, Manzoor Ahmad Qadri, on Sunday addressed a press conference to outline the comprehensive preparations for the upcoming elections scheduled for October 01 in Bandipora.
During the press briefing, DEO stated that Bandipora District encompasses three Assembly Constituencies including 14-Sonawari, 15-Bandipora, and 16-Gurez.
A total of 312 polling stations have been established across 220 locations, all equipped with 100% Assured Minimum Facility (AMF).
M. A. Qadri maintained that proper training has been provided to polling staff to ensure a smooth electoral process.
He said keeping in view location and topography of the Gurez constituency, polling parties were dispatched there three days prior to the elections, while those for Bandipora and Sonawari will arrive one day (p-1) in advance, in line with Election Commission of India (ECI) guidelines.
To facilitate free and fair elections, 82 sector magistrates have been appointed to monitor law and order and address any poll-related violations besides FSTs and SSTs are also actively overseeing electoral activities, he added.
The DEO said that webcasting arrangements have been finalized at all polling stations, enabling live monitoring by the ECI.
Further, arrangements for transportation & lodging of poll staff have been completed besides welfare measures of polling staff and voters have also been also ensured.
He also briefed regarding Red polling station managed by PWD officials, pink polling stations managed entirely by female Staff besides other special polling stations.

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