Exploring The Complex Interplay Between Human Health And The Environment

Exploring The Complex Interplay Between Human Health And The Environment

World Environmental Health Day

Fostering a vital connection between the environment and human health can lead to a healthier planet for all. Rather than considering the physical aspects of the environment, like air, water, land, climate, and pollution, it’s very important to unveil the other aspects of the environment and find a connection with human health and well-being.

The 26th of September is dedicated to celebrating Environmental Health Day globally, raising awareness of the interrelation between human health and the environment. The day is organized by the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), a global organization that fosters the dissemination of knowledge about environmental health among people, its interconnection, and promotes cooperation between countries to improve the environmental situation of Earth. The day aims to highlight the importance of a healthy environment for human health; however, the challenge remains in unveiling the abstract aspects of the environment and human health, as the traditional definitions of both have remained confined to physical aspects only. For instance, the environment is often referred to as the physical world around us, like air, water, land, and natural resources, and human health has traditionally been viewed as physical well-being with a focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

However, the definitions and linkages are more complex, encompassing abstract components. It’s very important to acknowledge that the environment consists of physical, social, cultural, and psychological environments, including the surroundings, relationships, and cultural context in which individuals live and interact, all playing a crucial role in their development and growth, particularly for children and society as a whole. It’s important to recognize that these abstract factors are crucial to human development, relationships, societal norms, and cultural values, as they impact an individual’s development from early childhood. The understanding of human health dynamics shows that physical health is just one piece of the puzzle, as health actually transcends beyond the body, involving the mental, emotional, and even financial well-being of a person.

Figuring out the connection between the two becomes very important. The environment at home, family dynamics, peer interactions, and community influences shape the behavioural identity and emotional health of an individual and society at large.

Scientific research by the “Centre on the Developing Child at Harvard University” reveals that children exposed to toxic and stressful environments are at higher risk for a range of health issues, including developmental delays, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. A dysfunctional family environment marked by conflict, neglect, or inconsistent parenting can lead to mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, or behavioural problems. Supportive social structures definitely foster security, self-confidence, and empathy, while negative social environments, like toxic relationships, hinder growth and even lead to psychological harm and damage to mental abilities.

The psychological environment around a person includes the mental and emotional climate in which an individual grows and functions. Positive reinforcements may engage a person positively in activities, giving a sense of security and opportunities for stimulation, nurturing them and encouraging creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional resilience—important for personal development and social cohesion. At the same time, if there is negative reinforcement, a person’s emotional well-being will be affected, impacting their relationships, decision-making, and overall quality of life. When emotions are poorly managed, it leads to conflicts, isolation, and even self-destructive behaviours. Likewise, positive emotional health among individuals helps them navigate challenges more efficiently, build meaningful connections, and maintain a sense of inner peace.

Moving to the financial environment, it’s quite evident and obvious that individuals trapped in a poor and stressful financial environment are likely to experience anxiety, stress, depression, and relationship problems that lead to the deterioration of mental and emotional well-being and health. If an individual grows up in a stress-free environment where their skills get an opportunity to develop, both financial health and mental health improve.

Hence, holistic health approaches acknowledge that the mind, body, emotions, and finances are interconnected. Any aspect of the environment is directly related to and proportional to the health aspects of an individual. By broadening the focus from physical diseases to mental, emotional, and financial health, we can promote a more balanced and comprehensive model of well-being that empowers individuals to thrive in all aspects of life. For societies, these components can determine how communities thrive, innovate, and cooperate, creating a blueprint for sustainable progress and overall well-being.

By Darakshan Hassan Bhat

[email protected]

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