Maulana Khalil-ur-Rehman Sajjad Nomani’s message of unity and compassion in Kashmir

Maulana Khalil-ur-Rehman Sajjad Nomani’s message of unity and compassion in Kashmir

Renowned Islamic scholar emphasizes the importance of love, understanding and spiritual guidance in his speech at Jamia Islamia Reyaz-us-Soliheen Botingoo Sopore

Who is not acquainted with Maulana Khalil-ur-Rehman Sajjad Nomani, a name that is not popular only in India but has gained popularity outside the country and thousands of lovers and disciples believe in his ideology, spirituality, and his way of preaching and spreading universal brotherhood across the globe. Apart from his Islamic profile, he has many attributes to his name. He has been a prominent orator, globe-trotter, social reformer, spiritual mentor, great human being, and philanthropist. He is serving humanity as a powerful motivator. His ideologies are truthfulness, equality, freedom, justice, mutual understanding, and integration.

Hazrat is very fond of Kashmir and has deep love for its culture and climate, its beautiful rivers and streams, snow-capped mountains, and its landscape provides spiritual peace and gratification to the soul. Hazrat says, “I am deeply pleased to visit Kashmir, as many Awliyay-yay Kiram, saints, and Islamic jurists are buried here.” He says that the simplicity of the Kashmiri people, their human compassion, hospitality, and brotherhood are the attributes that distinguish Kashmiris from the whole world.

Hazrat visited Kashmir, the land of Hazrat Molana Anwar Shah Kashmiri (RA), some 15 years ago and thousands of people attended his majlis and pledged allegiance under his guidance. Nowadays, Hazrat is on a specific visit to Kashmir. Initially, he gave his valuable speech at Jammu and then he entered Kashmir province. On August 4, 2024, Maulana addressed the Jamia Islamia Reyaz-us-Soliheen Botingoo Sopore, where a huge crowd of people thronged the Jamia. Apart from Bandipora and Sopore, people had come from all corners of the valley and from other districts as well.

Before sharing his minutes of speech, it is indispensable to let you know a brief account of Jamia Reyaz-us-Soliheen Botingoo Sopore. This madrasa is situated on a very high altitude attractive hill about two kilometres away from the village, offering a beautiful view in the middle of the majestic valley. After reaching there, it becomes clear that the chief patron of the madrasa is Hazrat Molana Sajjad Nadvi – a young, energetic, and dedicated one who is a far-sighted and valuable treasure for Kashmir. He established Madrasa 13 years ago and now some 80 Hufaaz have completed their education and are pursuing knowledge at different institutions of the valley. The madrasa was established at a place which is totally cut off from habitation, with no road facility and all deserted. But now everything is in order – a beautiful main road, water facility, and quiver of infrastructure. These all things illustrate his generosity, trust in Allah (SWT), commitment, perseverance, dedication, and application of hard work. May Allah (SWT) accept his valuable service and may he live long.

Hazrat Maulana Khalil-ur-Rehman Sajjad Nomani arrived around 3:45 pm, and a large number of people including men, women, youngsters, students, and children were already gathered to listen to his valuable sermon. In his speech, Hazrat Maulana touched almost all the important stakeholders of many professions and made them realize their services and responsibilities.

Hazrat Maulana requested Ulamas (Islamic scholars) to be compassionate with the Ummah. He said this Ummah is desired of love and compassion and is thirsty for it. He urged the scholars to unite all sects of Islam as Ummah and not spread heartedness among each other.

Maulana’s address

“Tou bara-yay wasal kardan aamdi / Nay bara-yay fasal kardan aamdi” – Translation: “You have come to spread love and unite people. You have not come to distract people and bring intricacies.”

Your every word must work as an ointment for the people. Do not become the staunch believer of any particular sect but become the preacher of Islam as Islam has no bounds. People’s way of understanding changes with the passage of time. So it is incumbent on all of you to guide them correctly.

It is quite unfortunate that the children of Kashmir are not getting a congenial atmosphere of compassion, love, and sympathy. They are not receiving spiritual guidance. Day in and day out they are moving away from Madrasas and Maktabs so it is indispensable for them to get proper guidance and proper counselling.

Ummah must understand and comprehend the Holy Book of Allah (Quran). It is unfortunate that this Ummah has ignored the Quran and is not working to understand its message. Quran is the best guidebook; it illustrates how to lead a successful life – a life without corruption, injustice, and inhumane character. The Quran makes us understand how to deal with others; it clears how to lead a life of austerity and goodness.

I was extremely nervous when I came to know that most of the Kashmiris are deeply involved in an “Interest-Based Economy”. Refrain from this interest-based system. This system will ruin Kashmir; no need to construct huge buildings; no need to travel in beautiful air-conditioned vehicles; and be simple and real.

I am telling you clear crystal that Allah (SWT) has not declared war with one who is skipping obligatory prayers; one who is drinking alcohol; or one involved in adultery; but undoubtedly has declared war against the person who is indulging in an Interest-Based System. So refrain from it with promptness.

The profession of a doctor is a noble one; a profession to please Allah; a profession to serve mankind and get eternal blessings. Doctors who are real slaves to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) will work as per the demands of society and patients. Sometimes uttering two words of love and compassion turns out a healing touch to a patient. Unfortunately, doctors have turned to butchers; they are inhumanly treating patients; prescribing medicine out of their budget which brings calamities.

Politicians must serve mankind; make proper use of money; don’t wash money extravagantly. They are accountable before Almighty Allah (SWT) and will be asked for its proper usage. Those who will work with such intentions are real ambassadors of Islam and humanism.

The writer is a teacher at BHSS Halmatpora, Hyhama

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