The Lost Conscience: A Reflection On Our Actions

The Lost Conscience: A Reflection On Our Actions

In the contemporary world, it is increasingly apparent that, as Muslims, we are losing touch with our conscience and moral responsibilities. The dissonance between our actions and the plight of our brothers and sisters in Palestine is a stark reminder of this troubling reality.
Celebrating Amidst Suffering
Our brothers and sisters in Palestine, on the other side of the world, go through terrible pain and fight every day just to survive. They struggle with loss, live in continual danger, and try to meet their fundamental needs. Meanwhile, we observe festivities characterized by firecrackers and partying in other regions of the world, including our own towns. This striking difference draws attention to a serious break from the empathy and togetherness that Islam instills in us. While Eid celebrations are a time for happiness and connection, the core of these teachings is contradicted by participating in extravagant celebrations and firecrackers. Islam calls us to rejoice in community, humility, and thankfulness, but how can we truly celebrate when our fellow Muslims are suffering?
The Scene In Pulwama: A Heartbreaking Reality
Scenes from Pulwama that I saw recently broke my heart. These celebrations showed how far we have strayed from the path of empathy and compassion. As our Palestinian brothers and sisters suffer, we seem blind, wasting our time and energy on actions that are wasteful and indifferent to the suffering that surrounds us. The noise and spectacle of firecrackers may provide a brief sense of joy, but they also reflect a deeper disregard for the struggles of others, reflecting a loss of the very compassion that Islam calls us to uphold.
A Call For Respect And Solidarity
While we might not be able to help directly the Palestinian people, we nevertheless owe it to them to understand and stand in solidarity with those innocent people. Our interests and principles are reflected in our actions—or lack thereof. Our faith as Muslims requires us to show compassion, raise awareness, and give prayers in support of those who are in need. As Kashmiris, we are falling short in every way when it comes to defending the values of humanity and Islam. We must never forget that our moral obligations should always take precedence over our festivities. We need to shift our focus from mindless festivities to real gestures of solidarity and support for those who are suffering.
Parental Responsibility: The Foundation Of Moral And Religious Behaviour
The role of parents in shaping the moral and religious behaviour of their children cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, many parents today seem more concerned with providing food and clothes than with instilling the values of Islam in their children. Material comfort is important, but it is not enough. Parents should strive to be friends with their children, engaging them in conversations about their daily activities and friendships. This friendly approach encourages children to share their thoughts and experiences openly, creating an environment where moral and ethical discussions can flourish.
Parents must take an active role in teaching their children about Islam, the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the wisdom of the Awliya (saints). They should emphasize the importance of good behaviour, as parents are the first and most influential teachers in a child’s life. By fostering a deep understanding of Islamic teachings and principles, parents can guide their children towards a path of empathy, compassion, and moral integrity. Teaching children about the values of kindness, respect, and solidarity can help them grow into conscientious individuals who are aware of their responsibilities towards others.
It is our responsibility as Muslims to look into our behaviour and correct it to be more in line with Islamic principles. Rather than participating in careless festivities, we should foster empathy and a sense of solidarity with those who are suffering. By establishing moral principles in their children and pointing them in the direction of righteousness, parents play a critical part in this process. We can only hope to recover our lost conscience and fully live out the teachings of our faith if we deeply integrate Islamic teachings into our lives and the lives of our children. By making this deliberate effort, we can honour our faith and solidarity while transforming our festivities into heartfelt displays of thankfulness and unity.
The writer can be reached at [email protected]


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