1954: US Ambassador in Pakistan Cables Washington

“The Foreign Minister (of Pakistan) yesterday in conversation with an Embassy officer made (the) following points:

Reference Kashmir:
Nehru has now sent (a) letter to Mohammed Ali stating there is no reason for (the) two Prime Ministers to meet, thus all doors (are) closed except recourse to (the) Security Council. (The) Foreign Minister suggested that (the) Embassy officer “warn” (the State) Department and the USUN that Pakistanis (would be) coming back to (the) Security Council soon. Asked if (the) Pakistanis would wait until after (the) April 30 deadline, (the) Foreign Minister stated (that) in view (of) Nehru’s attitude as expressed in (his) reply, there no reason for Pakistanis to wait. (The) Foreign Minister agreed with (the) officer’s analysis that (the Kashmir) dispute (is) now where it was in 1949. He said (that) he had no idea about Nehru’s stand towards Graham. He added (that) he could not understand (the) position (of) Nehru who was a “smart man.” (He) said he felt that while it did not really help Pakistan, Nehru had worsened India’s position in world opinion. When (the) Embassy officer commented on recent news reports of restlessness on (the) Indian side (of the) cease-fire line, including (the) reported attempt burn Jammu and (the) United Nations observers’ headquarters, (the) Foreign Minister said (the) GOP (Government of Pakistan) (was) concerned over (the) situation and that General Ayub has issued orders (to) his troops not to be provoked by any incidents and to keep peace on (the) Pakistan side (of the) cease-fire line, (and) preventing any tribal movement into Kashmir. (The) Foreign Minister added that Pakistanis would not allow anything to start on their side. (The) Foreign Minister welcomed (the) SYG statement on (the) neutrality (of the) United Nations’ observers and said that (this was) his own opinion.

Reference Ceylon Prime Ministers’ conference:
(The) Foreign Minister said (that) Kashmir would definitely not come up at (the) conference. (He) added: ‘in fact, I do not know what on earth they can talk about.’

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